sábado, abril 23, 2005

Registrar el user aspnet

I had the same problem I ran the fix with a slight modification and it solved my problem.

copy file to c
1)In the open command windows, type c:\fixup.cmd.
2) When prompted, enter 1pass@word as the password.
If you have previously custom access control settings or database account permissions for the ASPNET account, you'll need to re-apply these settings now.

Below is the code put the following in a file call it fixup.cmd

REM This batch file addresses issues that exist with MS03-32 with
REM V1.0 of ASP.NET on Windows XP only
REM If you have any other configuration, you should not need to run this
@echo off

REM if exist %SystemRoot%\microsoft.net\framework\v1.1.4322\mscorlib.dll goto v11_installed

REM "Changing to the Framework install directory"
cd /d %SystemRoot%\microsoft.net\framework\v1.1.4322

echo "Stopping IIS"
iisreset /stop
echo "----------------------"

echo "Stopping the ASP.NET state service if it is running"
net stop aspnet_state
echo "----------------------"

echo "Deleting the ASPNET account"
net user ASPNET /delete
echo "----------------------"

echo "Creating a new ASPNET account with a temporary password"
net user ASPNET 1pass@word /add
echo "----------------------"

echo "Launching runas to create a profile"
echo "You will see a command window being created"
echo "type 1pass@word when prompted for the temporary password"
runas /profile /user:ASPNET cmd.exe
echo "----------------------"

echo "Re-registering ASP.NET and the ASPNET account"
aspnet_regiis -i
echo "A new random password has been autocreated for the ASPNET account"
echo "----------------------"

echo "Restarting IIS"
iisreset /start
echo "----------------------"

echo "The workaround has been applied"
echo "Please try accessing an ASP.NET page"
echo "If you have any custom access controls settings for the ASPNET account,"
echo "you will need to recreate them"
echo "If you were running the ASP.NET state service, you'll need to restart it"
goto done

echo "Version 1.1 appears to be installed, you should not need to run this file"


viernes, abril 01, 2005

Estado del desarrollo ....

Bueno hasta la actualidad no es ke este bien avanzado el sistema ke estoy desarrollando pero si la parte mas conplicado creo yo esta en un estado de un 60 % ke lo cual creo yo ke eso es equivalente a un 10 % del sistema ... pero claro es la parte mas compleja unas ves ke termine esa parte el desarrollo de las demas es mucho mas rapido ..... quiero publicar una img pero no puedo

bueno ni modo
mañana al installfest aki en Manta ...


Estado del desarrollo ....

Bueno hasta la actualidad no es ke este bien avanzado el sistema ke estoy desarrollando pero si la parte mas conplicado creo yo esta en un estado de un 60 % ke lo cual creo yo ke eso es equivalente a un 10 % del sistema ... pero claro es la parte mas compleja unas ves ke termine esa parte el desarrollo de las demas es mucho mas rapido ..... quiero publicar una img pero no puedo

bueno ni modo
mañana al installfest aki en Manta ...
